Not everyone’s credit is fantastic. Sometimes bills slip through the cracks by accident… sometimes on purpose if you can’t always pay them. Does this sound like you? Is your credit score or history horrendous? That could make getting a Mortgage difficult. However, this is only so if you go through a traditional bank. Instead, put your trust into hard money Mortgages Arizona. With hard money Mortgages Arizona there is absolutely no need to worry.
You are not alone. There are many people, like you, who have the same credit issues. We are going through a tough time!
You may have heard of the term hard money. It may even strike you similar if you have heard of “Private Money” or “Equity Mortgages.” These types of Mortgages are unlike your typical Mortgage from the more traditional route of a bank. Instead, these Mortgages are Mortgages that spring from private sources such as investor’s personal funds, pension plans and other non-traditional sources for your new home, business, or commercial property. Arizona hard money lenders are available to help.
You could qualify for a Mortgage. If you do, then you have the luxury of receiving your money within 24 hours from a hard money Mortgage. This really makes it convenient for you so you can get started on building your home or project you have been planning for ever since you can remember.
Having bad credit doesn’t matter when it comes to your hard money Mortgage. Hard money Arizona is a fast, twenty-four hour easy turnaround and easy process for attaining a Mortgage. All you have to do is search for the closest hard money Arizona lender by you. Then begin your process. You will see how easy it is! The lender simply get to know you, ask you some questions, then come out for an evaluation of your property. It’s that simple!
When the lender has all the information they need, they tell you within thirty minutes if the Mortgage is yours. That’s it! Just thirty minutes. No waiting games. No time wasted.
The faster you call, the faster you will have money in your hands.
Apple Wood Fund
23335 N 18th Drive Suite 120
Phoenix AZ 85251