Typical banks and money lenders consider only credit, income, or assets when making a decision about lending money to a consumer. What they don’t consider is that a few small mishaps can destroy credit, that not everyone’s income is consistent, and that some people don’t have much to show pertaining to their assets.
While good credit can help you get a lower interest rate for the Mortgage, lenders do not determine your eligibility based on credit. In fact, you can get a Mortgage regardless of your job history, credit, or current income. They don’t even check your tax returns or pay stubs! The interest rate is determined mainly on the length of the Mortgage.
Arizona hard money lenders provide equity-based Mortgages in as little as 24 hours. With no application fees, closing costs, Mortgage forms, or appraisals, Arizona hard money lenders can get you the money you need and one step closer to your dream in no time. It just doesn’t get any simpler than this.
Applying for a Mortgage is easy. Just call the company, receive an evaluation of the property, sign documentation, and walk away with your project funding in one day. Isn’t it time you considered an Arizona hard money lender?