Arizona hard money — a Fixer upper project for the whole family!

A different and quick type of Mortgage — a hard money Mortgage Arizona
April 30, 2012
How hard money lenders Arizona will benefit Arizona
April 30, 2012

Arizona hard money — a Fixer upper project for the whole family!

Arizona hard money a Fixer upper project for the whole family!

Part of the reason people had so many kids years and years ago was so they could help on the farms when they became of age. This is also why summers were off from school, when farm work was most crucial. Today, people still have many kids either because of religious reasons (i.e. they’re Mormon or Catholic) or because they don’t really understand birth control as much as they love children.

But how do you keep your kids motivated and off the street and away from drugs? Well, back before child labor laws, you made them work. Nowadays, kids are so lazy, always watching TV, it’s no wonder they never move out or get decent jobs, even after attending a university for four years. One way to circumvent this is to put them to work on your house. In fact, why not make it you’re entire business? You could acquire broken down, beat up, old properties and renovate them, selling them for a profit. They call this “flipping” in the market.

Unfortunately, projects like this aren’t usually smiled upon by the banks – not because you’re involving your kids, but because only getting a Mortgage for a few months or a few years doesn’t really help the bank out at all. You might want to consider something like a private money lenders Arizona. These kinds of Mortgages have a high approval rate and get your foot in the door with little or no money down. You’re mostly just paying off interest anyway. That’s why these things called Arizona hard money build character – a great thing to role model for your kids!

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